Sam Szor: Toledo

Price: $19.95

Sam Szor: Toledo's Mr. Music

Judy Harris Szor

Born in the Szor family home on Bakewell Street in East Toledo's Birmingham neighborhood, Sam Szor started playing the saxophone and clarinet in the fourth grade. He would go on to play in the Toledo Young People's Symphony Orchestra and the Paul Mabie band before graduating from Waite High School and heading to the University of Michigan, where he earned a Bachelor of Music Education.

After graduating, Sam returned to the Glass City, where he taught at Woodward and Waite High Schools and The University of Toledo. In addition to a 32-year career as a music educator, Sam was also the director of Music Under the Stars for nearly 60 years and conductor of the Toledo Choral Society for 54 years. He also played bassoon for the Toledo Symphony Orchestra and was the conductor of the Perrysburg Symphony Orchestra for 20 years.