A Community of Scholars

A Community of Scholars

This volume is an attempt to preserve the history of the birth pangs and early days in the development of ...
38 A Community of Scholars The University of Toledo Press

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This volume is an attempt to preserve the history of the birth pangs and early days in the development of the Medical College of Ohio, an institution that recently morphed into the Medical University of Ohio, and subsequently, merged with the University of Toledo. It is a heterogeneous collection of memoirs, reminiscences, and reconstructions, for the most part personal accounts by those whose careers were intimately involved. It is not intended as an exhaustive archival record, and indeed, there are some significant gaps. Some of these gaps are unavoidable, due to death or illness of founding fathers or mothers and early pioneers. Of the original 19 basic science and clinical department chairmen, regrettably, 13 are deceased. Hopefully, their colleagues and proteges have projected the spirit of the times, provided snapshots of prominent players in the life of the institution, and documented pivotal events. Memories being but imperfect mirrors of the past, readers may note some discrepancies or inconsistencies among the various accounts. What seems remarkable, however, is how much has been remembered, and how committed the authors have been to the task of recapturing the trials and triumphs of the MCO community.

Product Details

Title: A Community of Scholars: Recollections of the Early Years of the Medical College of Ohio

Genre: History, Medical History, Education History

Hardcover: 372 pages

Publisher: University of Toledo Press

ISBN: 978-0-932259-14-1

Dimensions: 8.5 x 10.5 inches



"New book takes a look at early years of MCO"
by Tricia Salata at the UT News archive.


"Early days of medical college recalled"
by Julie M. McKinnon at the Toledo Blade.

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The University of Toledo Press

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